Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well, here we are and I told myself after child number ONE that a pacifier was an object that shouldn't be USED for child number TWO! Well, It worked! but Now I find it funny to say that I, the mommy, forgot to throw them all out. So, what do you do when child TWO finds his older sisters pacifier? Well, you take pictures of course! AND LAUGH HARD!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hello Everyone We are the Kelly's
We have decided to keep a blog with the random events and fun things our family does through out the year! Because, as you all know, babies grow up so fast and with family spread so far and wide we want you all to be a part of the fun, crazy and random things we do! We hope you enjoy and I hope I can get the HubmIster(r) to help update so that there are two points of view in our FAMILY BLOG! Enjoy!